June 19, 2012

attention doggie lovers.

...you probably want to read this blog post on Manhattan Nest, another design-y blog in my Google Reader. it's written by an early twentysomething named Dan who lives in NYC with his boyfriend Max and their sweet puppies. i love his style and his writing even more so- he's hilarious & sarcastic, but also heartfelt and genuine when it matters.

anyway, they recently adopted this pit bull girlie and his blog post about it literally brought me to tears. i read it out loud to Matt later that day and teared up again. it's just such a wonderful portrayal of the connections between animals and their people, the inexplicable bond and love. he wrote it over 4 months ago, and i've gone back to it several times to re-read. i'm such a sucker for happy endings/beginnings like this. i'm also a sucker for all the Instagramming he does of Mekko, she's a beaut.

oh, and also! last month Dan found this poor little guy running from the police in Brooklyn:

he scooped him up, took him home and 6 hours later, the pup was reborn:

he has been named Linus and has since become part of the family. i mean, really.

*amazing before & after photos by Daniel Kanter via his Instagram feed.

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